
Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Origins Of The Church Of Scientology Essay -- Religion Scientology

During the dawn of the mid 20th century a new idea began to formulate within the mind of L. Ron Hubbard that would later run birth to what is known today as one of the fastest evolution religions of the 21st century this controversial religion is called Scientology. Scientology has acquired many individuals from all walks of life, ethnicities, and worldwide regions of the world into its membership. According to the spic-and-span Oxford American Dictionary the definition of Scientology is a religious system based on the seeking of self-knowledge and spiritual fulfilment through graded courses of study and training. In addition, Scientology claims to comprise the remedies used to refund people from drugs and alcohol abuse, as well as, therapeutic solutions to help others call up from serious injuries at an astonishing progressive rate. In essence, this movements main agenda is to bring order to a world of crazy house through spreading its teachings, improving environmental cond itions on planet earth, and development the holistic being through using different methodologies and technologies. Moreover, by obtaining a basic understanding of Scientology and its purpose we can now explore and release the answer to a question that sparks the curiosity of outsiders in western elaboration such a question is How did it Begin? The origins of this culture began in the year of 1923 when L. Ron Hubbard started his studies of the mind and spirit. Likewise, such studies resulted in the creation of a manuscript entitle Excalibur this book was completed in 1938 but was never published. Furthermore, it was in this unpublished work that the word Scientology first appeared. The literal interpretation of the phrase center the study of knowing how t... ...sion, my answer to the church of Scientology pertaining to the existence of God leave be in the form of a philosophical question that states, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is near to hear it does it make a sound?Works Cited1)Cooper, Paulette The High make up Of Scientology. The Scandal Of Scientology. Web. 28th Nov. 1997 2)Communication Office Bulletin (HCOB). Hubbard, L. Ron. 18 July 1959.3)Dianetics. New Oxford American Dictionary. Version 2.0.3 2005-2007.4)lronhubbard.org/biography. N.P., 1995-2010. Web. 6 Nov. 2010 5)patheos.com. N.p., 1 Jan. 2008. Web. 6 Nov. 20106)Scientology. New Oxford American Dictionary. Version 2.0.3 2005-2007.7)The New King James Version (NKJV) Bible. Ed. Thomas Nelson capital of Tennessee 1982.8)Watchman Fellowship. What Christians Should Know about the Church of Scientology. Web. 1 Jan. 2009.

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